B.Y.O.D. Fad or Trend?

mobile-intheclassroom“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow. “ John Dewey

This is an exciting time in education.! The possibilities are endless as we move into a digital age of learning.  Digital learning has inspired the introduction of BYOD at our school.   BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device. Using Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) is becoming an important consideration in teaching and learning for students to become 21st Century citizens. 

Many people feel reluctance when thinking about students using their own devices at school.  Concerns can stem from fear of misuse of technology and the consequences surrounding it.  That would describe me perfectly one year ago.  The following analogy shared by a colleague helped to put BYOD into a learning context for me:  If a student misuses a pencil do we ban pencils in our schools?  Of course not.  Pencils are necessary tool for learning.  Technology has also become a necessary and powerful tool for learning.  In a digital age, students require skills in digital citizenship, digital literacy, digital law, and digital etiquette. The reality is that many students have their own technology already available. Using one’s own device has many benefits including discovering ways to use the device for learning purposes, honouring  personal preference, increasing engagement, and providing a sense of responsibility for personal property.

BYOB does not mean that students are required to bring their devices to school.   Access to technology will continue to be made available to all students.  The difference is that students who want to bring their own technology will be allowed,with teacher permission, and the skills around the courteous and effective use of technology will be taught and enforced.

                 As we are beginning our BYOD journey at Emily Stowe Public School using technology effectively  will require a well thought out policy on where, when and how devices are to be used at school.  This week our gr. 5-8 students participated in an assembly ‘launching’ the possibilities and expectations around BYOD.   Over the next few blogs I will share more about digital learning.  In addition, parents of students in our older grades can expect BYOD information to be sent home outlining our philosophy, acceptable use and consequences.     

                Learning is not static. It is likely that as our understanding of technology grows, our policies will need to be fine-tuned.   We will welcome and encourage staff, student and parent input. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to provide feedback on our current BYOD practices. 

                For more information on BYOD and 21st Century learning visit our Learning Technologies Coordinator’s website

Click here to watch a video entitled “Considering a BYOD model” which is a fun watch for those interested in learning more about the benefits and limitations around BYOD.

2 thoughts on “B.Y.O.D. Fad or Trend?

  1. Hello Lisa

    I thought your “writing” was brilliant- May share with the Teacher- Librarians in Winnipeg School Division?

    Kevin. Mowat | Libray Consultant | kmowat@wsd1.org | @kevmowat

    • Thank you very much for the compliment. Writing publicly is definitely a risk-taking venture for me but it challenges me so I continue to do it. You are welcome to share any of my posts. All the best. Lisa

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