Digital Citizenship – More Than Just Being Polite!

THINK-Digital-Citizenship I was at a Media Literacy event months back and the speaker shared the following rule for posting on social media.  It is often one that I now share with students: “If you wouldn’t say it in front of your grandmother, then don’t say it in a text message.”  This is an important message when learning to be a responsible user of technology, but, as I have recently learned, there is so much more to being a digital citizen than writing polite text messages.

                Digital citizenship refers to the quality of an individual’s character and the choices they make online. Being a digital citizen encompasses a student’s basic rights and responsibilities in a digital environment and strives to deepen their understanding and acceptance of the appropriate and responsible use of technology (This quote was taken from resources on the TVDSB website! Click on the blue DVD’s to go to Aretta Blue’s website and more information. digitalCitizenshipCDs

The Elements of Digital Literacy are:

RESPECT & PROTECT YOURSELF: Security, Rights & Responsibilities, Health & Wellness

RESPECT & PROTECT OTHERS: Communications, Etiquette, Access


Ribble, M. (2011) Digital Citizenship in Schools 2nd Edition; International Society for Technology in Education)

 Check out the following brief video link on Digital Citizenship:

                There is no denying that technology is everywhere and that social media has become a big part of most students’ digital identities. Learning to become a digital citizen will help students learn to safely and respectfully navigate through a digital world.


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